From the Field

Salton Sea unites interests of enviros, ag

By September 11, 2009March 19th, 20153 Comments


  • Cat Lazaroff says:

    I’m very much enjoying these blog posts on the Salton Sea, one of the places that’s long been on my “bucket list” to visit. The idea of a complete dewatering of the Salton Sea is really scary, both for the area’s residents and for the tens of thousands of migratory birds that use the Sea.

    I’m looking forward to reading your finished story on this, and thanks for bringing attention to the issue. I’m still hopeful that a fix can be created, but Niver’s quotes above are awfully dismaying.

  • rmcclure says:

    Hey, thanks a lot, Cat. I have to say that this is one of those dilemmas that defies easy solutions. There are some really smart people working on it, though.

    One reason I wrote these posts is that I wanted to highlight these important issues outside the context of the flyway story that will be coming out in the fall.

  • Glad to see someone has taken this up. After travelling from Toronto to cover a sustainable seafood conference in San Diego last Feb, the first place I had to go see with my own eyes was the Salton Sea. If you’re an enviro jurno, that’s what you do right?

    Its a classic “what the hell were we thinking?” And it would be a nightmare if that foul salty soup dried up and started blowing around. But hey, remember the Aral Sea?

    Great to see a new model for public service investigate jurno, I’ve been banging that drum for some time: There has never been a stronger need for good information to help the public make informed choices about a number of crucial issues. We are living in a time of serious consequences.

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