The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare currently oversees 28 children’s residential care facilities. These programs offer housing and treatment services meant to give kids the help they can’t find elsewhere.

Since 2013 — as far back as the state’s access to the records go — the agency has conducted 29 investigations into these facilities that came as a result of a complaint. Some of these investigations have resulted in the state finding evidence of potential child abuse, neglect and sexual assault.

While the results of each program’s annual inspection are posted publicly, these complaint investigations are not. Members of the public must obtain the documents through a public records request, which may require a fee.

InvestigateWest, however, is making each complaint investigation report available for the public to view for free.

You can access the documents below. InvestigateWest plans to continue to report on these programs, so please contact us at if there’s anything you’d like to share.

Wilson Criscione

Wilson Criscione

Wilson Criscione, a lifelong Washingtonian, joined InvestigateWest in 2022 after reporting for multiple newspapers in the state. His work exposing corruption and injustice has triggered state foster care reform, sparked criminal investigations of abusive police, and inspired proposed legislation to protect victims of sexual abuse. Reach him at