
Reporting B.F. (Before Ferguson)

By January 13, 2015June 11th, 2015No Comments

We just published our first SIDEBAR of 2015 — an exclusive monthly dispatch from inside our newsroom just for InvestigateWest members.

Have you ever wondered how a story goes from an idea in a reporter’s head to a published piece? This month, reporter Lee van der Voo gives an insider’s look at how our latest investigation came to be.

Maybe a decade ago, my husband served on a felony grand jury. For 30 days in Multnomah County, he and six other people presided over person-to-person crimes, one of three sitting grand juries convened at all times. 

His tales of kidnappings and busted eyeballs horrified us both. Every weekday for a month, instead of getting up and going to the office, he went to a room downtown to listen to tale after tale of life-altering violence. 

His service left a lasting impression on both of us.

To read the rest…

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Jason Alcorn

Jason Alcorn

Jason is InvestigateWest's associate director. A veteran of technology projects and online strategy for the nonprofit sector, he is a graduate of Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and Graduate School of Journalism.

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