Emily Lorenzen knows her story of being sexually assaulted is a difficult one for people…
Carol SmithFebruary 25, 2010
One reason the frequency of sexual assault on campuses continues to be high is that…
Carol SmithFebruary 25, 2010
Lila Hobbs was a 20-year-old sophomore in 2007 when she reported having been sexually assaulted…
Carol SmithFebruary 25, 2010
62 percent of sexual assaults are ‘drug-facilitated’ A majority of sexual assaults involving college students…
Carol SmithFebruary 25, 2010
Barriers to reporting sexual assault in same gender cases even higherSexual assault crosses all barriers,…
Lee van der VooFebruary 25, 2010
Chemicals in a cancer-causing substance used to seal pavement, parking lots and driveways across the…
Robert McClureJanuary 12, 2010