Help! I’ve been poisoned by stormwater!

By May 22, 2010March 19th, 20152 Comments
Robert McClure

Robert McClure

Robert is co-founder and executive editor of InvestigateWest. At the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Robert exposed a major weakness in the Endangered Species Act and deficiencies in Puget Sound restoration efforts. His reporting on hard-rock mining won the John B. Oakes Award for Distinguished Environmental Journalism. A Pulitzer Prize finalist, Robert is a longtime former board member of the Society of Environmental Journalists; he currently serves as chair of the editorial board of SEJournal. Seattle Magazine in 2013 chose him as one of Seattle's "most influential" people.


  • Laura Funkhouser says:

    Robert, you’ve stumbled (maybe yawned) onto something – environmental reporting as performance art. You could be the world’s first Sturmwasser artist. Maybe I’m callous from my time as an art critic but I want to read more of this. How about a piece on swimming in the Duwamish?

    Or this: I dare you to have your hair and blood analyzed for mercury, PCBs, lead, etc. and report your results.

    (Seriously, a drop or two of iodine in water will rid your blood of toxic residue. Take 300 mg of alpha lipoic acid supplement to detox the heavy metals.)

    • Robert McClure says:

      Laura, thanks so much for noticing my brush with death. And…. hey, if this journalism thing doesn’t work out, I now know I could go into performance art. Very reassuring. No Speedos for me, though. Will that hurt my chances? :>)
      As for swimming in the Duwamish, that’s what interns are for:
      Keep the faith,

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