From the Field

Independent journalists denied access to Copenhagen climate talks

By December 8, 2009March 19th, 20158 Comments


  • Emily Linroth says:

    That’s ridiculous. Has this happened to other independent journos as well? Hang in there, guys!

  • Tom Gray says:

    I will be following this, we need your independent voice!

  • Julie Davis says:

    Keep on trying other avenues to get in there. This sure is a wake up call to all journalists (reporting should never be limited to only the selected few). I am so proud of you for doing this and will be reading your blogs for updates. Keep up the good work and keep in touch.

  • Jon Stevenson says:

    Guys, I’m gona make sure everyone I know, here’s about this and I’ll follow with interest. Just like climategate, you must try to find out if this is the case. I’d bet a house on it as they can’t afford to have more truths come out!

    Keep going guys, you have more support than you realise.

  • Robert Cairo Jr says:

    If the UN can’t even manage the accreditation of journalists at the Copenhagen circle-jerk, why are so many people willing to trust the UN with their lives? AGW is a hoax and the wheels are falling off the “climate change” bus.

  • Karl says:

    I had the same problem. I managed to get a hold of someone inside the credentialing office and was told the UN has an official policy not to credential bloggers or indie media outlets.Wish they had that on the website!

  • Similar thing happened to me today at the Bella Centre. I’m an independent freelance photojournalist and had been accepted by the Fresh Air Centre and also had a letter of assignemt from a UK magazine but was denied accreditation by the UNFCCC. I fail to understand why they don’t keep a number of “day passes” that could perhaps be allocated each morning – I can’t believe that everyone who has a pass is in the building at all times (I was given the “Fire Safety Capacity” reason for my letters, my IFJ Press Pass and my passport being thrust back at me). It’s annoying when you overhear people with UNFCC press passes saying they’re not actually journalits. 10th December has been mentioned as a possible review date but I’ve been told “not to get too excited”.

  • Santa Claus says:

    A couple of suggestions:

    What would happen if you found a journo that wasn’t registered and didn’t have “problematic beliefs” and let him register. Would he be able to gain access?

    Also, it might be a good idea to connect with others that have also been denied access.

    Keep up the good work

    A couple of interesting links:

    This is from Fox news (of all places) explaining ClimateGate on 30 Nov 09:

    Here is a 1 ½ hour interesting and humorous talk by Lord Monckton which is explaining why the climate change issue is a fraud.

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