Western Exposure

Health reform protester bites off opponent’s finger

By September 3, 2009March 19th, 2015No Comments

Okay, folks. It’s gone too far. Seems the debate went officially over-the-top at a health care reform protest in Thousand Oaks, Calif., where one pro-reform protester bit off the finger of an anti, the Associated Press reports. The suspect escaped, but police have a good description and expect to get their man.

“Sheriff’s Capt. Frank O’Hanlon says about 100 people demonstrating in favor of health care reforms rallied Wednesday night at a Thousand Oaks street corner when one protester walked across the street to confront about 25 counter-demonstrators. O’Hanlon says he got into a fight and bit off the left pinky of a 65-year-old man who opposed health care reform.

The good news is that the finger was sewn back on, and yes, it was covered by insurance. Single-payer, in fact. Medicare. But can’t we all just get along?

— Rita Hibbard

Rita Hibbard

Rita Hibbard


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