Veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder could get access to non-traditional healing if a proposed Veterans’ Wellness and Healing Center gets built in the village of Angel Fire in New Mexico. A wellness center fits a plan already laid out by the Angel Fire Village Council, which is committed to building Angel Fire’s reputation as a vet-friendly community, according to a story in the Sangre de Cristo Chronicle by Michael Johnstone. State Senator David Ulibarri, who co-chairs the Military and Veterans Affairs Committee, said the proposed facility would be a groundbreaking effort, and an approach not yet tried elsewhere.
I an happy to see some information on alternative healing for PTSD. For anyone seeking a natural love-based cure for PTSD, check out – there is some great information for individuals who have been subjected to traumatic experiences, like abuse, rape and war. I have really enjoyed this site. It is so filled with love. They explain that traumatic experiences can be healed using the Energies of Unconditional Love in a unique process known as Evolutional Love Bursts.