Western Exposure

Buying locally is a stimulus plan

By July 14, 2009March 19th, 2015No Comments

If one Idahoan does the math… Dale Peterson, the executive director of Buy Idaho Inc. figures that if every state resident spent $100 a year locally, another $150 million would stay in the state and recirculate through the Idaho economy. The sales tax on those purchases would pump $9 million into the local economy, he figures. The Idaho Statesman urges readers to consider spending $10 a week of that $100 on the local farmers market. “It’s a tangible goal,” the newspaper concluded in a recent opinion piece.

“It does more good than you’d imagine. You’re helping to ensure local farmers have a vibrant local market. This saves farmers the cost of shipping to out-of-state markets, keeps more locally grown food on local shelves, and ultimately keeps food prices stable. It can even encourage a second wave of local products — since manufacturers are more likely to build capital-intensive processing plants near thriving farm country.”

Rita Hibbard

Rita Hibbard


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